Department of English
Carman Hall, Room 302A
What's Up in English
If your passion is reading, writing, cultural critique (of books, films, tatoos, comics, and more), journalistic feature writing, poetry, drama, technical writing, Diaz, Shakespeare, Adichie, Dove, Walcott, Dickinson, Santiago, storytelling, podcasts and open mics, new media, and/or digital literacy and humanities - then Lehman English is the right place for you to major or minor. Welcome! Meet with an advisor, aim for the English Honors Program , consider putting together a Humanities Internship, talk to your peers and professors, and consider your career and graduate study options.
Lehman English is a lively and communal place with lots going on at every level - find your niche, sign up and speak out, make your mark as a student of literary, creative, and professional English studies! For latest and upcoming news and events, like and follow Lehman English, like and follow Obscura (Lehman's literary arts magazine), like and follow Meridian (Lehman's student newspaper). Check out our live feed on the website and click on the links below as well.
Click here for events!
Click here to see the faculty!
The literary and Arts Magazine of Lehman College
Click here for graduate studies!
Internships and Professional Opportunities
First, Internships are for EVERYONE!
The student voice of Lehman College
The Center for the Humanities!
Mapping New York Literary History!
Teaching & Learning in the English Multimodal Lab
This short film discusses teaching and learning the English Multimodal Learning Lab
Students entering their junior and senior years may well want to look to the future and think seriously about the value of an affordable and rewarding Lehman English M.A in Literature, Composition and Rhetoric, Creative Writing, and (soon!) Professional Writing. This degree makes good use of the transition between college and career, it prepares graduate students for professional, teaching, and writing lives, and our M.A. graduates have gone on to succeed in business, teaching, writing, doctoral study, and university writing positions (among other callings). Talk to your professors and mentors about the value of a Lehman English M.A. - and if you're at all interested, consider taking a graduate course while you're still an undergraduate, when tuition is cheaper, knowing you can roll the course over into your M.A. if you're accepted into the program later on.
Make an appointment with Undergraduate Advising, Honors Advising, or Graduate Advising today - you'll be glad you did!
Department of English
Carman Hall, Room 302A - See all contacts