The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program
The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program promotes the academic, personal, and vocational development of SEEK students at Lehman College. SEEK fulfills this mission by admitting a previously under-served population and providing an array of specialized support, enrichment programs and activities dedicated to encouraging SEEK student learning, performance, persistence and graduation.
The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program is an integral part of Lehman College since the College’s inception in 1968. SEEK is a state-mandated, state-funded opportunity program of the CUNY senior colleges. It is one of the largest, most active and most productive student support organizations on the campus and is often referred to as “a college within a college” because of its size and broad range of mission and activities.
The Program’s work is guided by the College’s mission, values and goals, as well as the requirements of the CUNY Office of Special Programs (OSP). SEEK’s programmaticobjectives represent the College’s expressed interest in providing “enhanced student services” and “enhanced student success.” SEEK provides comprehensive admission and academic support services to 1000 SEEK students each year. The Program at Lehman includes a director, one administrative assistant, 7 full-time counselors, a supplemental instruction and tutoring coordinator, and close to 40 tutors and non-teaching adjuncts. Innovative support programs include summer immersion for all entering SEEK freshmen, specialized support in STEM areas, and math, writing and reading comprehension.
Learn more about the SEEK program online.