From the Program Coordinator

A picture of a professor

Tiffany DeJaynes

Director of the Center for School-College Collaboratives Associate Professor of English Education, Middle & High School Education

Welcome to all those interested in learning more about the English education program at Lehman College. Our paramount goal is the preparation and support of local teachers and teacher candidates who in turn prepare their own current and future learners to be creative, literate participants in increasingly complex, diverse, and evolving global and local communities. Our program offers in-depth courses in both traditional and contemporary methodologies and curriculum design, as well as the opportunity to practice and reflect upon these theoretical approaches through challenging and rewarding mentored fieldwork. In addition, our relationship with Lehman’s English department and faculty provides students with an opportunity to supplement their knowledge of pedagogy with graduate-level studies in literature, literary theory, and composition studies.

Please feel free to contact Dr. DeJaynes for further information.