Department of Middle and High School Education
Carman Hall, Room B29Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Daniel Stuckart
Interim Chair, Professor and Coordinator, Graduate Program in Social Studies
From the Program Coordinators, Wesley Pitts, Sunyata Smith, and Gillian Bayne
Interim Dean, Lehman College School of Education
Chair/Professor and Co-Coordinator, Graduate Program in Science Education
Coordinator TOPS Program in Science Education
, Middle & High School Education

Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Graduate Programs in Science Education, Middle & High School Education

Professor and Co-Coordinator, Graduate Program in Science Education, Middle & High School Education
Thank you your for your interest in the graduate program in science education at Lehman College. Lehman offers several unique opportunities in the Department of Middle and High School Education to earn a master's degree and satisfy the requirement for a New York State Teacher Certification. All of our science education programs prepare candidates to teach in grades seven through twelve. Lehman offers programs leading to both initial and professional certification in the following science specialty subject areas: biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics.
We are committed to preparing our students to serve within a variety of schools in the New York City area and work carefully with them to develop a broad and far reaching knowledge base in content, pedagogy, and theoretical applications. We are proud to have a rigorous program tailored to meet the needs of our graduate students while preparing them for the demands of teaching in a diversity of secondary science learning environments.
Please contact Professor Wesley Pitts and Professor Sunyata Smith to review the requirements for all programs listed below.
Professor Gillian Bayne is an Associate Professor and Co-Coordinator in the graduate program in science education.
For college graduates and career changers who do not have an undergraduate degree in science education: Program Sequence 2 (41-48 credits)
College graduates or career changers who have completed an undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in a science content area may earn a master's degree in science education while simultaneously meeting the requirement for initial certification.
For college graduates who have earned initial certification in a science subject specialty area: Program Sequence 1 (33-36 credits)
Candidates who possess a current NYS initial certification in a science content area and an undergraduate degree, or its equivalent, in a science content area, may earn a master's degree in science education.
For candidates who possess a master's degree in a science content area: Program (Advanced Certificate) Sequence (24 credits)
This Advanced Certificate Program greatly shortens the path toward certification.
Professor Wesley Pitts may be contacted for information regarding program sequences 1, 2, and the Advanced Certificate. Please also contact Professor Smith regarding information about the LUTE STEM Residency Program and the Noyce Scholarship Program. These programs provide financial support for both aspiring and current science teachers in New York City schools.
Department of Middle and High School Education
Carman Hall, Room B29Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Daniel Stuckart
Interim Chair, Professor and Coordinator, Graduate Program in Social Studies
718-960-8006 - See all contacts