Meet Your Pre-Transfer Advisor


Ashley Falcon

Your dedicated Pre-Transfer Advisor who is regularly on your campus to help with optimal course selection at the community college and the transfer application process. For additional information or to schedule an appointment: |  Shuster Hall, Room 174  |  718-960-8284

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Search for your degree or look through all options:

AA Children and Youth Studies to BA Sociology
AA Criminal Justice to BA SociologyAA Children and Youth Studies to BA Sociology
AA Criminal Justice to BA Sociology
AA Liberal Arts to BA Speech Pathology and Audiology
AA Linguistics, TESOL to Speech Pathology
AA Linguistics and Literacy General Concentration to BA Linguistics
AA Sociology to BA Sociology
AA Linguistics and Literacy to BA Speech Pathology and Audiology
AA Linguistics and Literacy TESOL-Applied Linguistics Concentration to BA Lingui
AAS Nursing to BS Health Services Administration
AAS Paramedic to BS Health Services Administration
AS Comm Health Ed to BS Health Ed and Promo Opt I
AS Comm Health Ed to Health Ed Promo Opt II
AS Comm Health Ed to BS Recreation Ed
AS Comm Health Ed to BS Therapeutic Rec
AS Comm Health Ed to BS Health Services Administration
AS Gerontology to BA Social Work
AS Human Services to BA Sociology
AS Human Services to BS in Recreation Education
AS Public Health to BS Health Ed and Promotion
AS Public and Non-Profit Admin to BS in Recreation Education
AS Com Health Ed to BS Health Ed and Promo Opt I
AS Com Health Ed to BS Health Ed and Promo Opt II
AS School Health Ed to BS Therapeutic Rec
AS School Health Ed to BS Recreation Ed
AS Science for Health to BS Exercise Science Opt I plus MS
AS Science for Health to BS Exercise Science Opt II plus MS
AS Science to Exercise Science Opt II
AAS Business Mgmt to B.B.A. in Business Admin (Business Service Track)
AAS Business Mgmt to B.B.A. in Business Admin (Financial Service Track)