#Trending: VP Richard Finger on Post-pandemic Enrollment Boost

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Lehman's Vice President for Enrollment Management Richard Finger spoke with Diverse: Issues in Higher Education about the growth in undergraduate enrollment at the College, and its strategies for attracting new students.  

Colleges across the country felt the sting of sinking enrollment numbers throughout the COVID pandemic, with the trend predicted to continue long after operations returned to normal. However, the data were wrong, as a recent self-audit of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center made evident. Enrollment has in fact exceeded pre-pandemic levels.

On trend with the corrected national data, Lehman is "seeing a growing number of students between 19 and 21, who are coming to start their first year in college after taking some time off,” Finger told the reporter.

On average, the number of students pursuing bachelor’s and associate degree programs has risen to over six percent and close to three percent, respectively.

Along with an increase in undergraduate enrollment at Lehman, Finger noted the steady growth of Lehman's graduate programs.



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