Modern Language Association Honors New Publication by David Font-Navarrete

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David Font-Navarrete and the cover of his book El Monte


David Font-Navarrete, associate professor of Music at Lehman and the Graduate Center, was honored by the Modern Language Association (MLA) for his translation of Lydia Cabrera's El Monte: Notes on the Religions, Magic, Superstitions, and Folklore of the Black and Creole People of Cuba, first published independently in 1954 and never before available in English until its 2023 publication by Duke University Press.

In a press release for the Lois Roth Awards—which recognize literary translations—the MLA called the work "as rich in English as it is in its original version. David Font-Navarrete's beautiful translation of Lydia Cabrera’s groundbreaking compendium on the history, contributions, rites, and customs of the Afro-Cuban is a masterpiece."  

"I am deeply grateful to the MLA and the Lois Roth Award committee for their recognition of the new edition of El Monte, and I share credit with the great many people who made it possible," said Navarrete. "Cabrera's project, enshrining African sacred arts and ritual traditions in her native Cuba and the broader Afro-Atlantic, remains cutting edge, and as timely as ever."

Founded in 1883, the Modern Language Association of America and its over 20,000 members in 100 countries work to strengthen the study and teaching of languages and literature through a robust publication program, a comprehensive international  bibliography, and opportunities for professional development and scholarly communication.

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