Health and Wellness Services to expand domestic and sexual violence education

Lehman’s Office of Health and Wellness Services has received a four-year $489,483 grant from the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Violence Against Women to enhance its domestic and sexual violence prevention strategies.
The grant comes out of a DOJ initiative to strengthen Minority-Serving Institutions’ services focused on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and will help Lehman develop culturally relevant education and prevention programs in these areas. Recent efforts have featured speakers and informational events, including a community resource fair.
“For years, we have been committed to raising public awareness about sexual violence and empowering our community to take action to prevent it, said Vice President for Student Affairs Jermaine Wright. “Thanks to this grant, we look forward to expanding initiatives like these to create a safer and more informed campus community.”
The Bronx has some of the highest rates of sexual assault and domestic violence among all the boroughs, and their impact is often severe, traumatic, and long-lasting. The additional resources will support ongoing efforts at Lehman to help students break and prevent these cycles of violence.
“I am thrilled that we will be able to increase our programming for students who are impacted by this type of violence,” said Ashmini Hall, director of Health and Wellness Services. “These services will greatly enhance students' wellbeing and success well beyond their time at Lehman.”