Fall ’21 was a lesson in pivoting: The Lehman community headed back to the classroom for in-person instruction after a year and a half and, in an ever-evolving pandemic, weathered the rise of the Omicron variant. Still, our faculty continued to produce innovative and often groundbreaking research, scholarship, and creative projects. This roundup, which includes more than 70 works published between August 2021 and January 2022, is a testament to that. Click here for last spring’s list, and for more on the achievements of our world-class faculty, go to lehman.edu/news.
Africana Studies
Professor Mark Christian authored the biography Booker T. Washington: A Life in American History (ABC-CLIO). He also wrote the book review “Recovering a Civil Rights Intellectual from Obscurity: A Vital Biography of L. D. Reddick” for the journal Choice and a review of An African American Dilemma: A History of School Integration and Civil Rights in the North for Teachers College Record.
Adjunct Lecturer Mariama Khan authored Politics in The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau: Precolonial Influence on the Postcolonial State (Routledge).
Associate Professor Sean McCarthy exhibited his project “Bathers” at Fish Island Gallery in Darien, Conn.
Assistant Professor David Schwittek co-produced Shift NYC, a series of video public service announcements created by Lehman students and the College’s Multimedia Center for the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment. His work was also featured in “Paper Works!,” a group show at CB Art Gallery in Katonah, N.Y.
Lecturer Matt Caprioli authored One Headlight: An Alaskan Memoir (Cirque Press).
Lecturer Jane Cleland authored the novel Jane Austen's Lost Letters (Macmillan).
Professor Margot Mifflin published an op-ed, “Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial brought back a phrase we should never use again,” in The Independent.
Assistant Professor Sophia Hsu authored the journal article "Barnaby Rudge," Liberal History, and the Narrative Function of the Crowd” in Dickens Studies Annual.
Assistant Professor J. Bret Maney translated a volume of poetry by Congolese writer Fiston Mwanza Mujila, The River in the Belly (Deep Vellum Press).
Associate Professor Melissa Castillo Planas authored the poetry collection Chingona Rules (Finishing Line Press). She also wrote the journal article “Superheroine Latinidad: The Diasporic Identities of America Chavez & La Borinqueña” in The Journal of Popular Culture.
Distinguished Professor Joseph Dauben authored the book chapter “History and Background: How Our American Burial Traditions Emerged” in The Future of the Corpse: Changing Ecologies of Death and Disposition (ABC-CLIO). He co-authored the book chapter “Peirce on Abduction and Diagrams in Mathematical Reasoning" in Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics (Springer, Cham).
Assistant Professor Benjamin Holtzman published an op-ed, “‘Vigilante’ Mayoral Candidate Narrative Obscures History of New York City Resident Patrols,” in the Oct. 8 issue of the Gotham Gazette.
Journalism and Media Studies
Assistant Professor Eileen Markey published “9/11: The Fall of ‘America’s Mayor’” in the Fall 2021 edition of The Village Voice.
Assistant Professor Christine McKenna co-authored the report “Why Black Media Matters Now” published by the Craig Newmark School of Journalism’s Center for Community Media.
Languages and Literature
Associate Professor of Italian Alexandra Coller authored “Women Writing in Italy” published by Oxford Bibliographies.
Assistant Professor of French Amin Erfani authored the book chapter “Anglais américain: L’acte de la traduction,” in La république des traducteurs: En traduisant Valère Novarina (Éditions Harmattan).
Latin American and Latino Studies
Professor and Chair Alyshia Gálvez authored the book chapter “I Won’t Tell My Story: Narrative Capital and Refusal Among Undocumented Activists in the Trump Era” in Trumpism, Mexican America, and the Struggle for Latinx Citizenship (University of New Mexico Press) and co-authored the journal article “’I’m Not Like That’: Navigating Stereotypes, Social Contexts, and Identity Among People Who Follow Restrictive Dietary Regimens” in Food Studies.
Music, Multimedia, Theatre, and Dance
Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance MX Cooper created and performed in seven multimedia pieces incorporating video, dance, vocals, and sound and costume design that were produced across the country. Their works included video installations for the choreographed series Let' im Move You: This Is A Formation at REDCAT, CalArts' downtown center for contemporary arts, sound healing at the Museum of Modern Art, and a performance at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art’s 2021 fall gala.
Associate Professor and Director of Theatre Rick DesRochers authored the article “Immersive Performance and Sensory Stimulation: The Intimacy of Participation in Third Rail Projects’ Then She Fell,” in the journal Coup de Théâtre.
Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance Monica Duncan performed live sound and created the video and audio design for the performance “To See Climate (Change),” which premiered at the Treibstoff Festival in Kaserne Basel, Switzerland. Her video works, “Taking Shape” and “Surface Connection” were presented at the Athens International Film + Video Festival. Another work, “Cornucopia” was presented at the Light Matter Film Festival.
Associate Professor and Director of the Dance Program Amy Larimer, as one member of the improv duo The Raving Jaynes, is participating in a residency at New York’s historic Players Theatre, where the Raving Jaynes have presented two works: “If You Say So,” which premiered in December and will run through April 2022, and an improvisational dance ensemble collaboration, “The Raving Jaynes and Centralia,” performed in September.
Professor and Chair Julie Maybee authored a review of Elena Ficara’s The Form of Truth: Hegel’s Philosophical Logic in History and Philosophy of Logic.
Adjunct Associate Professor Yunus Tuncel authored the book Nietzsche on Human Emotions (Schwabe).
Counseling, Leadership, Literacy, and Special Education
Professor Niki Fayne co-authored a book chapter with Professor of Early Childhood and Childhood Education Anne Rothstein, “Multimodal Literacy and Creative Computing Badges in a Teacher Quality Partnership Residency Program: Putting P-12 Students at the Center Right from the Start,” in Handbook of Research on Credential Innovations for Inclusive Pathways to Professions (IGI Global). She also co-authored a journal article with Associate Professor Danielle Magaldi, “Lessons from the COVID epicenter: How teacher candidates of color and the academy adapted to remote instruction,” in Journal for Multicultural Education.
Dean and Professor Rene Parmar co-authored the journal article “Addressing the Detrimental Impacts of COVID-19 on Women in the Workforce: Where Do We Go from Here?” in International Journal of Business and Economic Development.
Associate Professor Rosa Rivera-McCutchen authored the book chapter “Straight Outta the Containment Zone,” in Parenting in the Pandemic: The Collision of School, Work, and Life at Home—A Collection of Essays (Information Age Publishing), and the journal article “White Privilege and Power in the New York State Opt-Out Movement” in Teachers College Record.
She also co-authored the book chapter “The Collective and Unique Contributions of Latina Urban School Leaders: Testimonios of Advocacy and Resistance” in the Handbook of Urban Educational Leadership (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers), and the journal article “Reframing School Culture through Project-Based Assessment Tasks: Cultivating Transformative Agency and Humanizing Practices in NYC Public Schools” in Teachers College Record.
Early Childhood and Childhood Education
Professor and Department Chair Nancy Dubetz and Associate Professor Jennifer Collett co-authored the journal article “Instruction to Engage Multilingual Learners with Grade-Level Content” in The Reading Teacher.
Middle and High School Education
Associate Professor Gillian Bayne co-authored the journal article “The Color of Education: Discriminación y Comportamientos” in Journal of Latinos and Education.
Associate Professor Sherry Deckman authored Black Space: Negotiating Race, Diversity, and Belonging in the Ivory Tower (Rutgers University Press).
Associate Professor Joye Smith authored the journal article “Grammar teaching practices of ESOL school teachers” in TESOL Journal.
Assistant Professor Sunyata Smith and Professor and Chair Wesley Pitts co-authored the book chapter “Contemplative Pedagogy – Implications for Multicultural Science Education” in International Handbook of Research on Multicultural Science Education” (Springer, Cham).
Professor Daniel Stuckart authored the book chapter “How the High-Stakes Testing and Accountability Movement Undermines Educative Experiences” in The Contemporary Relevance of John Dewey’s Theories on Teaching and Learning: Deweyan Perspectives on Standardization, Accountability, and Assessment in Education (Routledge).
Elgloria Harrison, dean of Health Sciences, Human Services, and Nursing, co-authored the journal article “Asthma and Particulate Matter Pollution: Insights from Health Survey and Air Quality Monitoring in the Buzzard Point, Washington, DC Neighborhood” in Environmental Justice.
Social Work
Assistant Professor Amanda Sisselman-Borgia, Professor Jessica Kahn, and Professor Evan Senreich co-authored the journal article “Early Social Workers’ Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study” in Smith College Studies in Social Work.
Katelyn Angell, associate professor and assessment-data management librarian, co-authored the chapter "Prepping an Open Sandwich: Assembly of a Multilayered Exhibit of Open Resources" in The Scholarly Communications Cookbook (ACRL).
Stacy Katz, assistant professor and open resources librarian-STEM liaison, authored the article “Co-creating with students: practical considerations and approaches” published on THE Campus, a website for higher ed professionals.
Professor Eric Delson co-authored the journal article “Case 3847 – Simopithecus oswaldi Andrews, 1916 (currently Theropithecus oswaldi; Mammalia, Primates, Cercopithecidae), proposed conservation by reversal of precedence with Cynocephalus atlanticus Thomas, 1884” in The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.
Associate Professor Cameron McNeil co-authored the journal article “Cuisine at the Crossroads” published in Latin American Antiquity.
Associate Professor Stephanie Rupp co-authored the book chapter “From Chimps to Humans: An Historical Epidemiology of HIV Beginnings” in The Histories of HIVs: The Emergence of Multiple Viruses That Caused the AIDS Epidemics (Ohio University Press).
Professor Victoria Sanford authored two book chapters, "Etnografiía de un cementerio clandestino," In She also authored a non-fiction piece, “We’ve Come for the Garbage,” recounting her experiences living and working under the repressive regime in Guatemala, published by the journal That Which Remains.
Biological Sciences
Associate Professor Stephen Redenti co-authored four journal articles with students in his lab, including current Lehman undergraduates Naomi Codrington, Tasmim Hoque, and Baffour Amponsah-Antwi: “Extracellular vesicles released by human retinal pigment epithelium mediate increased polarised secretion of drusen proteins in response to AMD stressors,” in Journal of Extracellular Vesicles; “Plumbagin Induces Cytotoxicity via Loss of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and Caspase Activation in Metastatic Retinoblastoma” in Anticancer Research; “Human retinal organoids release extracellular vesicles that regulate gene expression in target human retinal progenitor cells” in Scientific Reports; and “Immunohistochemical localization of prolactin receptor (PRLR) to Hodgkin’s and Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin’s lymphoma” in Acta Histochemica.
Professor Eleanore Wurtzel co-authored three journal articles: “Enzymatic isomerization of ζ-carotene mediated by the heme-containing isomerase Z-ISO” in Methods in Enzymology; “Regulation of carotenoid and chlorophyll pools in hesperidia, anatomically unique fruits found only in Citrus” in Plant Physiology; and “Building the Synthetic Biology Toolbox with Enzyme Variants to Expand Opportunities for Biofortification of Provitamin A and Other Health-Promoting Carotenoids” in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Associate Professor Prabodhika Mallikaratchy co-authored the journal article ”Bispecific Aptamer Sensor toward T-Cell Leukemia Detection in the Tumor Microenvironment” published by ACS Omega.
Economics and Business
Professor and Associate Dean of Natural and Social Sciences Amod Choudhary authored the journal article “Is childcare cost a barrier to women managers' retention and progress at large firms?” in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
Assistant Professor Nari Kim co-authored the journal article “The CEO’s tenure life cycle, corporate social responsibility and the moderating role of the CEO’s political orientation” in Journal of Business Research.
Assistant Professor Sean Stein Smith authored the article “Cryptoasset Development, Regulatory Maturation, and Future Directions – Considerations for Accounting Practitioners” in Accountancy Business and the Public Interest. Smith also
Professor Melvyn B. Nathanson authored the journal articles “Sidon Sets and Perturbations” and “Multiplicative Representations of Integers and Ramsey’s Theorem” in the volume Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory IV (Springer), which he also edited. He also authored the articles “The Bose-Chowla argument for Sidon sets” and “Sidon sets for linear forms” in Journal of Number Theory, and “Sums of Finite Sets of Integers, II” in The American Mathematical Monthly.
Professor Christina Sormani co-authored the journal article "Sequences of three dimensional manifolds with positive scalar curvature" in Differential Geometry and its Applications.
Physics and Astronomy
Professor Daniel Kabat co-authored the journal article “Light-ray moments as endpoint contributions to modular Hamiltonians” in Journal of High Energy Physics.
Political Science
Adjunct Professor Barry Murdaco authored the article “Repressing radical protest, tolerating reactionary violence: The U.S. double standard in historical context,” published in Monthly Review Online.
Assistant Professor Dialika Sall authored the journal article “Love thy neighbor? Religion and ethnoracial boundaries among second-generation West African Youth” in Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Adjunct Professor Nathan Newman published an op-ed, “Move over: Replace the MTA and Port Authority with a regional transit agency responsible to NYC,” in the Oct. 17 edition of the New York Daily News.