Department of Biological Sciences
Davis Hall, Room 217Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm
Faculty Joseph Rachlin
E-mail address:
Phone Number: 718-960-8239
Office: Davis Hall 233 (Lab: Davis Hall 231)
Rank: Professor, Director (LaMER), Fellow of the Linnean Society of London
Fish Ecology - Population Dynamics and Niche Overlap, Fish Systematics - Phylogeny and Cytogenetics, Aquatic Ecology, Estuarine Ecology, Fish and Invertebrate sub-fossils from an archaeological site, Ghazi Shah, Pakistan
The long range activities of this laboratory are to understand the phylogenetic relationships, interactions, and general life histories of both freshwater and marine aquatic organisms. Among the techniques employed are the use of cytogenetics in studies of the interrelationships of monophyletic genera and species, mathematical models for evaluating population dynamics and life histories, and the development of new approaches for the understanding of resource partitioning in aquatic environments. We will also be exploring the use of high-end computer graphics for studies of the comparative morphology of aquatic organisms, and to develop virtual models for studies of form and function.
- Professor of Biological Sciences, Lehman College of the City University of New York
- Director of Lehman College's Laboratory for Marine and Estuarine Research (LaMER).
- Advisory Board Member, The National Institutes of Health's and Minority Access to Research Careers Programs at Lehman College
- Professor Rachlin has been elected a Fellow of The Linnean Society of London, and has prepared a transcription of the original Darwin/Wallace 1858 Paper on the Origin of Species that was read before the Linnean Society July 1, 1858.
- E-mail:, or
- Office: Room 233 Davis Hall, (718) 960-8239
- LaMER Laboratory: Rooms 231-A & 231-B, Davis Hall
- B.S. in Biology, 1957, The City College of New York
- M.S. in Biology, 1962, New York University
- Ph.D. in Biology, 1967, New York University
- 2001 Rachlin, J.W. Transcript of the joint paper (On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Selection. By Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace, London, June 30th, 1858) read before the Linnean Society on July 1st 1858. PDF
- 2002 Rachlin, J.W., A. Pappantoniou, and B.E. Warkentine. A Faunal Survey of the Bronx River, New York. The Northeast Natural History Conference VII. 24 April – 27 April 2002. Abst. p. 38-39.
- 2004 Nickum, J.G., H.L. Bart, Jr., P.R. Bowser, I.E. Greer, C. Hubbs, J.A. Jenkins, J.R. MacMillan, J.W. Rachlin, J.D. Rose, P.W. Sorensen, J.R. Tomasso. Guidelines for the Use of Fishes in Research. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland, 53 pages.
- 2004 Larson, M., D. Sugar, A. Brash, B. Tai, J.W. Rachlin. Phase1: Final Report Fish Passage Needs and Feasibility Assessment. Submitted to NOAA, and The Wildlife Conservation Society. 33 pages + Appendices A-O.
- 2004 Rachlin,J.W., B.E. Warkentine, and A. Pappantoniou. Ichthyofaunal Survey of the Bronx River, Past and Present. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII. 19 May – 22 May 2004. Abst. p. 52.2004
- 2004 Warkentine, B.E., J.W. Rachlin, and A. Pappantoniou. Assessment of the Planctonic Communities of an Urban Estuarine System. Northeast Natural History Conference VIII. 19 May – 22 May 2004. Abst. p. 56.
2005 Schreibman, M., J.W. Rachlin, and B.E. Warkentine. Examining Chile’s tenth region and the tri-state estuary models for understanding issues in the management of world fisheries. Pages 205-216. In: Hellman, R.G. and R.A. Dujisin eds., Chile Litoral: Dialogo cientifico sobre los ecosistemas costeros. 406 pages. Flacso, Santiago Chile.
- 2006 Rachlin, J.W, B.E. Warkentine and A. Pappantoniou. Bronx River Ichthyofaunal Zonation, as Viewed through a Parsimony Algorithm’s Lens. Northeast Natural History Conference IX. 20 April – 21 April 2006. Abst. P.49.
- 2007 Rachlin, J.W., B.E. Warkentine, A. Pappantoniou. An evaluation of the ichthyofauna of the Bronx River, a resilient urban waterway. Northeastern Naturalist, 14(4): 531-544.
- 2008 Rachlin, J.W., B.E. Warkentine, A. Pappantoniou. Use of a parsimony algorithm as a method for evaluating ichthyofaunal distribution and co-occurrence in an urban stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 23 (1): 1-11.
- 2010 Warkentine, B.E. and J.W. Rachlin. The First Record of Palaemon macrodactylus from the Eastern Coast of North America. Northeastern Naturalist, Vol 17: 91-102.
- 2011 Cloherty, T.M. and J.W. Rachlin. Physicochemical and shoreline development factors affecting lake littoral benthic macroinvertebrates. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 26(4): 517-525.
- 2012 Warkentine, B.E. and J.W. Rachlin. Palaemon macrodactylus Rathbun 1902 (Oriental Shrimp) in New York:Status revisted. Notheastern Naturalist, 19(special issue 6): 173-180.
- 2012 Rachlin, J.W. and B.E. Warkentine. An evaluation of fish assemblages of the Saw Mill River, New York: An Urban Stream. Northeastern Naturalist, 19(special issue 6): 129-142.
- 2012 Rachlin, J.W., R. Stalter, D. Kincaid, B.E. Warkentine. 2012. Parsimony analysis of east coast salt marsh plant distributions. Northeastern Naturalist, 19(2): 279-296.
- 2013 B.E. Warkentine, and J.W. Rachlin. Growth rates, sex ratios, and fecundity of co-occurring shrimp from the East River, New York. The Northeast Natural History Conference XIII, Springfield MA April 13-15 2013. ABS. Sun-AM2-B-3.
- 2013 Rachlin, J.W., and B.E.Warkentine. Exploratory analysis of marine fish distributions in the New York Bight from a 1984-1986 dataset. The Northeast Natural History Conference XIII, Springfield MA April 13-15 2013. ABS. Sun-AM2-B-4.
- 2015 Warkentine, B.E. and J. W. Rachlin. Water quality assessment of two slow-moving sandy bottom sites on the Saw Mill River, New York. Northeastern Naturalist 22(1): NENHC-56-NENHC-69.
- 2017 Rachlin, J.W., R. Stalter, D. Kincaid, B.E. Warkentine. “The effect of super storm Sandy on salt marsh vascular flora in the New York Bight.” Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 144(1): 40 – 46.
- 2018 Tiwari, A. and J.W. Rachlin. A review of road salt ecological impacts. Northeastern Naturalist 25(1): 123-142.
- 2018 Stalter, R., and J. Rachlin. The vascular plant species of sidewalk plots in Brooklyn and Queens: New York City’s overlooked “island” flora. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 145(3): 263-270.
- 2021 Stalter, R. and J. Rachlin. Eighty-three years of vascular plant change at Alley Pond Park, Queens County, New York. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 148(1): 75-84.
- B.S., The City Coll. of New York;
- M.S., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Department of Biological Sciences
Davis Hall, Room 217Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm
- See all contacts