Confirm you have access to Lehman 360 (L360). See Accessing Lehman 360 User Guide or visit the IT Help Desk for assistance. 

Log into Lehman 360 and select “School of Education,” then click the Minor to Masters Application.

The MtM Application will prepopulate with your own CUNYfirst information AND “Part 1 – Review” will show your own transcript information confirming you have completed the 4 pre-requisite courses with a grade B or better. IF the 4 courses are not in Part 1 of the Application or your grades are lower than a B, meet your Program Coordinator and do not submit Part 1.

If your MtM Application shows 4 courses and readiness, submit Part 1 and check L360 again within a week. If you are eligible, you will be “INVITED,” by a program coordinator to complete Part 2 – the official Minor to Masters Application.

Complete the full Minor to Masters Application in L360 (Part 2).
This includes a section where you need to analyze your transcript in CUNYfirst and share information about your Liberal Arts Requirements.

After the initial review of your application, you will be contacted by an advisor to complete the remaining steps:

  1. Schedule an interview with program coordinator.
  2. Based on writing prompt provided, upload your writing sample to L360 Part 3.
  3. Collect a letter of recommendation from two professors using our fillable recommendation letter. Once completed, you will upload each letter to L360 Part 3.

Minor to Masters Teaching Certification Program Fillable Recommendation Letter

Download and email the fillable letter to each professor. The professor completes your recommendation and emails it back to you. You upload each letter to L360 Part 3.

If you have questions, please meet with a Minor to Masters Program Coordinator.


Contact Us

Program Coordinators

Kimberly Vanderbilt
Early Childhood Education

Jennifer Collett
Childhood Education

Information Sessions

If you are interested in learning more about the program,
join us over Zoom!
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 5:30PM
Click on Zoom Link to join.
Meeting ID: 862 7482 2459
Passcode: 968476