Department of Finance, Information Systems, and Economics
Carman Hall, Room 377
Juan J. DelaCruz
Office: Carman Hall, Room 379
Office Hours: M&W by Appt.
Phone: 718-960-8159
Degrees and Sources of Degrees
- Ph.D., M.A., M.Phil., New School of Social Research
- B.A., National Autonomous University of Mexico
Dr. Juan J. DelaCruz is an Associate Professor of Economics and Business at Lehman College (Bronx, NY). He is the current Director of the CUNY Mexican Studies Institute (2021-2023), Faculty Affiliate at the CUNY Institute for Demographic Research, and Vice-President of Communications at the American Society for Hispanic Economists. He has actively participated in several professional development opportunities across the United States. He is a health economist by training who analyzes the economic and social determinants of health, in particular factors influencing epidemics (HIV and COVID-19). His academic work sustains that HIV-infected longtime survivors are facing disproportionate health outcomes, including disability and early death. The core of his work is to elucidate how different sciences can be complements in the research process. He believes that economics, public health and public policy are key instruments to advocate for vulnerable populations. Dr. DelaCruz is an immigrant from Mexico.
- PhD in Economics, New School University
- MS in Biostatistics, Columbia University
- MA in Economics, New School University
- BA in International Relations, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Selected Publications in Health Economics:
- DelaCruz, JJ; Cartagena, M; Huerta, U & Perez, N (2021), "Health Disparities and SocioEconomic Impact of COVID-19 among Hispanics in New York City", Hispanic Economic Outlook, (non-peer-review, upcoming)
- Kakolyris, A; DelaCruz, JJ & Giannikos, C (2021), "COVID-19, Race/Ethnicity and Age: The Role of Health Technologies to Close the Gaps on Health Disparities", Journal of Economics, Race and Policy (Springer), DOI: 10.1007/s41996-021-00089-y
- DelaCruz, JJ; Giannikos, C; Kakolyris, A; Utzinger, RC & Karpiak, SE (2021), "A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Combining Medical and Mental Health Services for Older Adults with HIV in NYC", Atlantic Econ Journal (Springer)
- DelaCruz, JJ; Brennan-Ing, M; Kakolyris, A & Martinez, O (2020), "The Cost-Effectiveness of Mental Health Treatment in the Lifetime of Older Adults with HIV in New York City: A Markov Approach", Pharmacoeconomics - Open.
- DelaCruz, JJ; Jamal, M; Rivera, R & Singh, P (2020), "A Revision of the Epidemic HIV in New York City: Health Disparities and Income Inequality Among Blacks and Hispanics", Hispanic Economic Outlook, (non-peer reviewed)
- DelaCruz, JJ (2018), "Foreign Aid and HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean: Should We Adjust the Degree of Response?", 46(3):337-349, Atlantic Econ Journal (Springer)
- DelaCruz, JJ (2016), "Right to Equal Care: Health Inequality Among People of Color", Achieve, 7(4):14-17 (non-peer reviewed).
- DelaCruz, JJ; Karpiak, SE & Brennan-Ing, M (2015), "Health Outcomes for Older Hispanics with HIV in New York City Using the Oaxaca Decomposition Approach", Global Journal of Health Science, 7(1):133-143
- Martinez, O; DelaCruz, JJ, et al (2014), "Still a Hard-to-Reach Population? Using Social Media to Recruit, Latino Gay Couples for an HIV Intervention Adaptation Study", Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(4,e113):1-14
- DelaCruz, JJ; Papanikolaou, N and Wu, R (2013), "The Influence of Imprisonment on HIV and its Impact on Health-Related Inequalities in New York City", IJ of Economics and Business Research, 6(2):115-126. DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2013.055534
- DelaCruz, JJ (PI), "COVID-19, Race/Ethnicity and Age", PSC-CUNY Award # 64033-00 52. Total Award: $3,500. Budget Period: 07/01/2021 to 06/30/2022.
- DelaCruz, JJ (Consultant), "Increasing Latinos COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake through Evidence-Based Community-Engaged Precision Intervention", National Institute of Health, Dr. Omar Martinez (PI), Temple University (funded)
- DelaCruz, JJ (PI), Columbia University's HISTP, "Psychosocial Determinants of HIV/AIDS among Older Hispanics in New York City: The Need for Cost-Effective Interventions". Total Award: $20,000. Budget Period: 01/10/2017 to 06/29/2019.
- DelaCruz, JJ (PI), National Institutes of Health's Loan Repayment Program. Total Award: $41,929. Budget Period: 07/2017 to 06/2019
- DelaCruz, JJ (PI), The Diversity Projects Development Fund of CUNY (2012), "Examining the Effects of Incarceration and US Drug Policy on the HIV Epidemic for Blacks and Hispanics in NYC". Total Award: $4,700. Budget period 01/01/2012 to 08/31/2012
- DelaCruz, JJ (PI), 40 PSC-CUNY Research Award (2009), "Fighting the HIV Epidemic in Latin America". Total Award: $2,300, Budget period from 07/2009 to 06/2010.
- DelaCruz, JJ (PI), George N. Shuster Research Award (2010), "The State of the HIV Epidemic in Latin America and The Caribbean: Policy Recommendations". Total Award: $2,300, Budget period from 07/2010 to 06/2011.
Department of Finance, Information Systems, and Economics
Carman Hall, Room 377 - See all contacts