New Language Requirement

In the new Pathways curriculum, the foreign language requirement is generally two 3-credit foreign language courses of the same language. Students in the Honors College program should consult with their advisor regarding foreign language requirements.

All Elementary Level Courses have been Changed to 3-credit Equivalents

  • 101 (4 hours, 4 credits ) - 111 (4 hours, 3 credits )
  • 102 (5 hours, 5 credits ) - 112 (4 hours, 3 credits )
  • For Spanish Heritage Sequence:
  • 103 (4 hours, 4 credits ) - 113 (4 hours, 3 credits )
  • 104 (5 hours, 5 credits ) - 114 (4 hours, 3 credits )

Reduced Coursework

If a student is placed at the 201 or 203 level or above, they can fulfill the foreign language requirement by either taking two courses in the language or by taking one course in the language and one of the following: ENG223, ENG 226, ENG 227, HIS 240, HIS 246, HIS 249, PHI 169, PHI 170, PHI 171 and POL 229. A language option course used to meet the foreign language requirement may not also be used to meet the "flexible core" requirement.

If a student has taken ESL at Lehman College at the 103 level or above, they can complete the foreign language requirement by taking one course in their native language at the 200 or 300 level for those who use the requirement before Pathways. Neither ESL nor sign language may be used to satisfy the foreign language requirement in Pathways.

Students Seeking Acknowledgement of Previous Coursework

Transfer students should submit any course work in foreign languages to the Admissions Office. The Department of Languages and Literatures cannot consider coursework taken elsewhere until processed by Admissions. Please note that transferred courses that received the grade of D cannot be accepted for the foreign language requirement.

Students who have completed a foreign language in high school as part of the recognized Advanced Placement should present those scores to Mr. Rafael Rosado, and International Baccalaureate (IB) Degree Program test/course results are reviewed by Mr. Linda martin, both in the Academic Advisement office in Shuster 280. We do not accept CLEP scores in fulfillment of the foreign language requirement.

Students for Whom the Requirement Does Not Apply

If a transfer student has graduated with an associates degree from a CUNY, a SUNY or any other institution, it is not necessary to take a foreign language.

Students in the Adult Degree Program are not required to take a foreign language.