The Department of Africana Studies is in the School of Arts and Humanities with such departments as Latin American & Latino Studies, Women's Studies, History, Philosophy, Music, English, and Journalism. Students can major or minor in Africana Studies, and/or combine this major with other majors, such as Early Childhood Education. Courses taken in Africana Studies can also fulfill the College's GEN. ED. distribution requirement in historical studies, comparative culture, the arts, or literature.

Africana Studies is a body of knowledge that records, describes, and analyzes the experience of Africans and people of African descent in all parts of the world, but especially in Africa, the Americas, and the Caribbean. Africana Studies appraises the past, examines the present, and seeks to shape the future by highlighting the cultural, historical, philosophical, and political contributions of Black people in Africa and throughout the African diaspora. As such, Africana Studies offers an interdisciplinary major leading to a B.A. degree. The courses are grouped into five sequences: African-American, community and urban; Afro-Caribbean; African; and Arts and Languages. The Department also participates in the interdisciplinary programs in Latin American & Latino Studies, Political Science, Sociology, History, Philosophy and Women's Studies.




Faculty Spotlight

Lehman College has selected four faculty members from diverse fields to serve as the inaugural cohort of its Lehman Professors of Excellence (LPE) program


Department News

Mark Christian Reads from New Book on Frederick Douglass

Biography is latest contribution to Bloomsbury series

New on Indoor Voices: Olivia Moy in Conversation with Mary Phillips

Interview explores biography of activist Ericka Huggins

A Bounty of Books

Archivist Diana Maull Donates +1,110 Books to Leonard Lief Library

Lehman ATLAS Fights Election Disinformation

Lehman ATLAS Fights Election Disinformation and Voter Registration Drive

Professor Elevates Incarcerated Voices Through TEDx Events

Professor Elevates Incarcerated Voices Through TEDx Events

Faculty Spotlight: Giulia Baldini

How this instructor (and alumna) is working smarter