Critical and Transformative Thinking Minor

Degree Requirements
Students must take four courses (12 credits) to complete the Minor in Critical and Transformative Thinking. At least two (6 credits) must be at the 300-level or above.
- CTT 100 – Introduction to Critical and Transformative Thinking
- CTT 200 – Intermediate Critical and Transformative Thinking
- CTT 365 – Advanced Topics in Critical and Transformative Thinking (may be repeated once)
- CTT 480 – Seminar in Critical and Transformative Thinking
Students who have taken ATLAS classes under another course code (e.g. as LEH classes) may have those courses counted toward the minor. Please speak to the minor advisor to have those courses counted.
For a complete description of the minor requirements and the list of courses, please check the bulletin.
Ready to Sign Up for the Minor?
- Use the Lehman Logins page to sign into Lehman 360 using your Lehman credentials (not your CUNYFirst credentials).
- Select "iDeclare" on the blue menu on the left side of the screen and then "Form." Follow the directions on the following screens.
- When you are prompted to select the "department," select "Philosophy." Then select the "Critical and Transformative Thinking" minor.
Critical and Transformative Thinking Minor
If you are a Critical and Transformative Thinking Minor or are interested in becoming a Critical and Transformative Thinking Minor and need advising for that minor, please email Professor Mila Burns or Professor Alyshia Galvez.
Program Coordinators

Mila Burns
Associate Professor, Latin American & Latino Studies
Carman Hall, Room 280

Alyshia Galvez
Professor/Acting Chair, Latin American & Latino Studies
Carman Hall, Room 288
Steering Committee

Interim Associate Provost, Languages & Literatures

Associate Professor, Latin American & Latino Studies

Professor, Latin American & Latino Studies (on fellowship leave in 2024-2025 academic year), Latin American & Latino Studies

Interim Associate Dean of Arts & Humanities
Coordinator, Disability Studies Minor, Philosophy, School of Arts and Humanities

Associate Professor and Chair, Africana Studies