Women's Health Services

Women's health providers focus on pregnancy, female reproductive health and much more. The Student Health Center does not currently have a women's health provider. However, please stop by the Student Health Center if you would like assistance with finding a provider.

Women's Health Services Include:

  • Annual or biannual gynecological examinations
  • Pap smear (regular Pap smear or Thin Prep® Pap smear available)
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease (S.T.D.) testing and treatment
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Birth control (birth-control pills, Depo-Provera® injections, and male and female condoms)
  • Women's health counseling and referrals (referrals are made to community health providers, as needed)

The CDC reports approximately 2.53 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infections the United States in 2021.

*Stop by the Health Center or Wellness Center for FREE condoms.

Pregnancy Resources

Birth Control and Family Planning Resources