To reserve a facility and equipment on campus for any event (bake sale, meeting, or special event),
- Go to your club's page, followed by the "Events" tab
- Then the "+ Create Event" button. Note that you must be logged-in and hold a leadership position to access the Events Form.
Events can only be held when classes are in session.Please reserve a facility on campus with two weeks in advance.
To start a purchase with club funds, you must fill a Purchase Order Form, found in Lightning Connections.
Note that purchases need to be submitted 2 weeks in advance your event. Some purchases may require more time if there are contracts and bidding to be done.
Funding for clubs is allocated at the beginning of each fall and spring semesters. Funding requests are reviewed and approved by the Student Government Association, and the Association for Campus Activities.
The request for funding form is only available at the beginning of each semester and can be found at the Forms Tab in Lightning Connections.
Funding can only to cover expenses related to events hosted by the club and, therefore, the form asks for the associated costs related to the event. Other expenses, such as promotional items (branded water bottles, pens, t-shirts, etc.), bake-sale goods, donations, and award prices, need to be fundraised by the club.