Crime Prevention & Training

Keeping Yourself Safe - Public Safety Tips

The Lehman College Department of Public Safety welcomes you to the new semester. We, at Public Safety, strive to provide a safe, secure working and learning environment for those who seek personal advancement and growth.

In Case of an Emergency

❏  Call 911

❏  Use your cellphone as an emergency tool, ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers.

❏  Stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Know where the nearest Emergency Call Box or Blue Light lamp post are located on campus to contact Public Safety.

❏  Individuals who are on/near campus and behaving suspiciously should be reported to Public Safety staff immediately at either ext. 7777 or 8228.

"If you see something, say something!"

Car Safety

Learn how to keep your car safe and secure.

Personal Safety

More tips and tricks on keeping yourself safe.

Commuter Safety

Learn how to stay safe while taking public transit

Additional Tips

Protecting Your Valuables

Do not leave valuables in your vehicle or on campus unattended/in plain view.

Office doors, file cabinets, and desk drawers should be locked at all times even if you step out of the area for a short time. Never leave your office space unattended.

Valuable items such as laptop computers, cameras, projectors, and televisions should be permanently marked for identification and locked away in a secure cabinet.

Staying Safe

Students, faculty, and staff should avoid areas that are isolated or poorly lit.

Travel in groups whenever possible.

Students, faculty, and staff can request a Public Safety escort if they feel unsafe walking to or from a campus parking lot, between campus buildings or the nearest subway station. Public Safety is available 24/7 and can be called at ext. 7777 or 8228 or 718-960-8228 for requests.

Cars should be parked in well-lit areas and kept secured at all times.