Creating a post in activity feed
Customize Notifications for Activity Feed
Ally for D2L Brightspace
Create an announcement
Delete and restore announcements
Make regular announcements
Create an assignment
Create an anonymous assignment
Grade submissions in assignments
Itemize assignments using checklists
Associate an Assignment with a Grade Item


Mobile App (Pulse) overview


Create a certificate
Use a checklist for an assignment
Class List Overview
Set Up Class list, Class Progress, and Grades
Use and modify user progress
Overview of competencies
Create a competency
Track competency achievements
Create course content
Create a file and insert stuff
Navigate Brightspace
Manage account settings
Create a course overview
Navigation and Themes: Create a Custom Navbar


Manage Dates - Offset Dates
Create a discussion forum
Create a discussion topic
Grade a discussion topic
Assess from within a thread
Discussion statistics
Use Discussions for Journaling


Understanding grades
Gradebook set up wizard
Create a category
Grade schemes
Grading in Brightspace
Assess, evaluate and provide feedback
Understanding group enrollment options
Defining groups and sections
Create a group


Introduction to HTML editor
Making use of the HTML editor
Import HTML template pages
Edit HTML templates


Import content from another system


Content: Add a module