
I joined Lehman College’s sociology department as a full-time major advisor and lecturer in 2022. But Lehman has always been special to me - I’m a Lehman alum and a former S.E.E.K student. Before joining Lehman full-time, I taught varying courses across CUNY as a graduate student and adjunct. At Lehman, some of those courses have included Education and Society (SOC 235), Education and Inequality (SOC 336), and Global and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Education and Society (SOC 335).
In 2022, I earned my PhD in sociology at the CUNY Graduate Center. I also have a Master’s Degree from Teachers College, Columbia University in Politics and Education. Most of my teaching and research interests revolve around education. In my past non-academic life, I served as a high school advisor in the non-profit college prep and access world.
My research interests include education, critical theories, race and racisms, and gender and sexuality. My current research explores the construct of parental engagement within a broader paradigm of school abolition and liberatory politics. When I’m not teaching or advising, you can catch me listening to music, watching something in the suburban gothic genre, or chatting in a book club somewhere.