
I started at Lehman College as a part time adjunct instructor in Department of Sociology and Social Work in 2002 semester and became a full-time lecturer in 2004. I have taught a range of courses at Lehman, primarily for the Sociology Department, but also in the College’s FYI program and the Adult Degree Program. I have taught multiple sections of SOC 300, The Sociological Imagination, SOC 301, Research Methods, and SOC 481, Advanced Tutorial in Sociology. In addition, I currently teach various elective courses that touch upon the area of culture, including SOC 239, Sociology of Culture, SOC 233 Youth in Modern Society, SOC 321 The Sociology of Food and Nutrition and SOC 331 The Sociology of Art. In addition to this, I am the advisor to the Lehman Sociology Club. I was a co-organizer of the Lehman Conference on Hip-Hop: From Local to Global Practice in October 21, 2005, a conference that acknowledged the Bronx as the place of origin of this now global cultural practice.
My research interests have revolved around the notions of the sociology of everyday life and routine cultural practices. I have written and published articles and book chapters on music, media, street art, and the marketing of food. I edited the book Food and Everyday Life (2014) and am currently working on analyses of discourse and interaction on social media. Aside from this, I am also an amateur artist and am a board member and art show curator at the Howland Cultural Center in Beacon, NY.