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Monica Duncan
B.F.A., Alfred University
M.F.A., UC San Diego
M.A., Justus Liebig University Gissen
Monica Duncan is a video and performance artist based in Brooklyn. Her time-based work investigates the nature of visual perception and audience-performer dynamics through camouflage, stillness and collective image-making. Duncan’s video and performance work has been exhibited at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Hebbel am Ufer HAU1, Frankfurt Lab, zeitraumexit, Komuna//Warszawa, The Kitchen, Roulette, Atlanta Contemporary, Hallwalls, La Casa Encendida, ZKM, LACMA, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, amongst others. She has been a visiting artist at the Atlanta College of Art, Georgia State University, Hunter College, Signal Culture, Experimental Television Center, Scena Robocza, Institute for Electronic Arts and PACT Zollverein. Duncan received her BFA from the NYSCC School of Art and Design at Alfred University, MFA in Visual Arts from the University of California, San Diego and while on a D.A.A.D fellowship her MA in Choreography and Performance at the Institute for Applied Theater Studies, JLU Gießen, Germany.