
Dina Legall
Academic Interests
Middle Eastern and Islamic history
Ottoman history, history of Sufism
Selected Publications
- A Culture of Sufism: Naqshbandis in the Ottoman World, 1450-1700. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2005.
Articles, Reviews, and Essays
- Review of John J. Curry, The Transformation of Muslim Mystical Thought in the Ottoman Empire: The Rise of the Halveti Order, 1350-1650, in IJMES 43 (2011): 751-52.
- “Kadizadelis, Naksbendis, and Intra-Sufi Diatribe in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul.” Turkish Studies Association Journal 28 (2004): 1-28.
- “Forgotten Naqshbandis and the Culture of Pre-Modern Sufi Brotherhoods,” Studia Islamica 97 (2003): 87-119.
- “Recent Thinking on Sufis and Saints in the Lives of Muslim Societies, Past and Present.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 42 (2010): 673-687.
Work in Progress
- Sufism in History: Mysticism, Piety, and Sacred Power in the Lives of Muslim Societies (book ms. under contract to Cambridge University Press)