Nancy Dubetz
Early Childhood & Childhood Education
First Year Initiative (FYI)


Nancy Dubetz

Nancy Dubetz is a Professor in the Department of Early Childhood and Childhood Education at Lehman College, City University of New York. She received her doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University in Curriculum and Teaching. Her scholarship focuses on the study of teachers’ theories of practice in urban bilingual/multilingual settings, teacher advocacy, school/university partnerships in the preparation of teachers of multilingual learners, and English instruction in public school contexts in Brazil. She has published in Action in Teacher Education, Bilingual Research Journal, TESOL Quarterly, The Journal of Research in Education, Issues in Teacher Education, TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language, NABE Journal of Research and Practice, and The Reading Teacher. In addition, she has co-authored multiple book chapters on preparing teachers of multilingual learners, and Professional Development School partnerships, she is currently conducting research on the professional live histories of language teachers in the Northeast of Brazil.
Dr. Dubetz was the recipient of the 2023 Appleby Award for Outstanding Teacher Educator from the New York State Association of Teacher Educators.