Cecilia M. Espinosa
Professor & ECCE Chair
Early Childhood & Childhood Education

Office Hours

Office Hours: T: 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. & Wed: 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. 


Cecilia Espinosa

Dr. Cecilia M. Espinosa is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Early Childhood/Childhood at the School of Education at Lehman College/CUNY.  Cecilia, an immigrant from Ecuador, received her PhD in Philosophy of Education - Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on Language & Literacy and a specialization in Bilingual Education from Arizona State University (ASU). Before becoming a teacher educator, Dr. Espinosa was first a teacher assistant, then a multiage (K-2nd grade) bilingual classroom teacher, and later director of a K-8th grade dual language program in Phoenix, Arizona.

Cecilia’s research focuses on bilingual children’s writing, translanguaging, descriptive processes, collaborative work with teachers, and children’s literature that affirms and nurtures children’s multiple identities. Cecilia co-led the NY State Department of Education Project on Best Practices for Multilingual Learners and the Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS) (2021). She is co-author of the book: Rooted in Strength: Using Translanguaging to Grow Multilingual Readers and Writers (Scholastic, 2021). Cecilia has presented at local, national, and international conferences. Dr. Espinosa’s articles can be found in Language Arts, Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, Primary Voices, Lectura y Vida, Journal of Multilingual Education Research, and Schools: Studies in Education, and has written chapters in several books.  

Cecilia co-led the NYSED Project on Best Practices for Multilingual Learners and the Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS). She is co-author of Rooted in Strength: Using Translanguaging to Grow Multilingual Readers and Writers (Scholastic, 2021). Her research publications focus on bilingual children’s writing, translanguaging, descriptive processes, and children’s literature that affirms and nurtures their multiple identities. Her oath is to ensure the children’s literature collection at the Lehman College Library reflects the rich diversity of The Bronx. 

In addition to her duties at Lehman, Dr. Espinosa is also an appointed Consortial Faculty to the Ph.D. Program in the Urban Education Department - at the CUNY Graduate Center. 

Cecilia values collaboration, dialogue, and inquiry. She takes a descriptive stance toward teaching, learners, and learning.