J. Mohorčich
Email: joseph.mohorcich@lehman.cuny.edu
Office Phone: 718-960-8420
Office: Carman Hall 364
Rank: Assistant Professor
Degrees: B.A., Occidental College; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
Areas of Expertise: Science and politics; literature and politics; infrastructure; pragmatism
J. Mohorčich teaches courses at Lehman College in American politics, political philosophy, and science policy. He has previously taught at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Mannheim.
His research interests include pragmatism, literature and politics, and intersections of science and politics, especially the ways that critical infrastructure services (e.g., delivering nutrition, contraception, potable water, electricity, shelter) structure politics. His work discusses how humans could move around in an energy-constrained world, the effects of constructing global networks for high-capacity computing, the capacity of artificial intelligence to reproduce poetic conventions, and whether GMOs, nuclear power, and biofuels can be used to understand the development of cell-cultured meat.
For a fuller list of published work, see Google Scholar.