Type of degree/major/specialization/certificate

Subsequent degrees earned or in progress

Synthetic Aperture Radar: Hazards Online course by Alaska Satellite Facility- ASF        2023 Online MOOC Course by Alaska Satellite Facility- ASF

Positions held since graduating
InterAmerican Research Associate - SERVIR SCO, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Earth Science Branch. Huntsville, Alabama 

Type of work you do there
I provide management support for  the promotion of earth observation uses in Central, and South America and the Caribbean Islands by serving as a liaison between NASA/ SERVIR, AmeriGEO and other Capacity Development inactivate in the region.  

Geography or GISc activities and/or accomplishments, awards, internships, publications
Oral presentation at AGU 2022/ Nominated by AmeriGEO to represent regional GEO at the Youth Panel in GEO Week 2023.  

Comments on the EEGS Dept Program you were enrolled in

It was a life-changing experience. In a professional sense, The MS-GISc allowed me to immerse myself within the Earth Observation (EO) industry. It opened the possibility to connect with researchers, professionals, students, and networks who were utilizing and applying GIS in real applications in NYC and around the world for decision-making. For example, during my internship, I was able to update the geodatabase of the NYC schools , operated by the Department of Education - DOE. The knowledge gained during the program gave me the possibility to explore and integrate different geoprocessing tools to consolidate results on the school inventory falling on special sewer system(MS4) areas that require special permits for their operations. Another great experience, thanks to Lehman, was my participation as a research assistant in CIESIN at Columbia University contributing in the development of a crowdsourcing methodology to feed socioeconomic indicators and its application/validation in Colombia. Obtaining grades at Lehman was more oriented toward developing research questions than quizzes or tests. This approach helped me to develop critical thinking and be recursive when new methodologies or the use of new datasets were required. 

Great things came after I enrolled in the program, however, as a student, It is crucial to interact with professionals outside of school. In that sense,  I will encourage students to participate more in community of practice incentives  (EOTEC DEV NET, VLAB, GEO Health). These groups are great online sources where they can learn, leverage skills, find training resources,  and increase networking opportunities> Here are some links students can interact for free:     
GEO Health https://www.geohealthcop.org/join-community
EOTEC Dev Net https://ceos.org/ourwork/other-ceos-activities/eotec-devnet/
VLAB-WMO https://rammb2.cira.colostate.edu/training/rmtc/
DEVELOP -  Internships https://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/what-we-do/capacity-building/develop/apply

Thanks for all the great work!!!!


Natalia Bermudez

Current location
Huntsville, Alabama

Date of Graduation from Lehman
June 2022