Careers in Teaching Photo

Lehman College TRIO-SSS- Careers in Teaching Program is part of the Office of Center for School College Collaboratives through the School of Education. Our program is here to serve all undergraduate students in any major but are minoring in either Early childhood /Childhood education or Middle to High School.  We are committed to providing opportunities for academic development, assisting students with basic college requirements, and motivating them toward successfully completing their postsecondary education.
Lehman College SSS program serves 140 careers in teaching students each year and provides free services to eligible students. The federal TRIO programs are educational opportunity outreach programs designed to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds.


The Careers in Teaching program offer professionally led workshops to help students define and refine their career related aspirations. Stay tuned for the upcoming workshop schedule.


Students accepted into the Careers in Teaching program will participate in an orientation. During orientation students will learn more about program responsibilities and expectations. Orientation Date: TBD

Student & Alumni Profiles


TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) Careers in Teaching empowers first-generation, low-income, and students with a disability in their pursuit of a college degree through intensive individualized support and advocacy.

  • Identify qualified individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds;
  • Prepare them for a program of postsecondary education;
  • Provide support services for such students who are pursuing programs of postsecondary education;
  • Motivate and prepare students for graduate programs and
  • Train individuals serving or preparing for services in programs and projects so designed.

CIT provides free services to eligible students. You may be eligible if you have documented financial needs, a documented disability, academic need, or neither of your parents graduated from a four-year college.

  • You are a U.S. citizen, national or meet the residency requirements for federal student financial assistance.
  • Neither of your parents graduated from a four-year college or
  • You have documented financial need or
  • You have a documented disability and
  • You have an academic need

TRIO CIT offers free services in the following areas to increase the number of SSS-eligible students who graduate from college.

  • academic support, individualized tutoring,
  • career guidance and counseling
  • personal development workshops
  • financial literacy
  • cultural and social activities
  • Test prep courses geared towards Teacher certifications (EAS,CST)
  • Required workshops that are needed to graduate in your Prospective Minor field

If you have a question regarding the TRIO Careers in Teaching Program please get in touch with our Program Director, Thamar Pacheco at (347- 373-1533), or via e-mail at

Questions & Answers About Careers In Teaching

No, everything in the program is free of charge.

You decide which programs to take advantage of. We want you to meet individually with your Counselor Advocate approximately once a month. Each semester we will offer a variety of different workshops and suggest that you plan with your Counselor the ones that are best suited for you.  For most students, the commitment is 10-15 hours a semester.

Until you graduate and/or transfer to another college.

  • To qualify you must be a full-time Lehman  student, a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident and meet the following criteria:
  • Be a first generation college student (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree)
  • Have a limited income (according to federal guidelines)

Applications for Careers In Teaching are available on our website or can be picked up in Carman Hlal, Rm. 176. Bring a completed copy to our office and ask to see a Counselor Advocate. An appointment will be set up at a mutually convenient time to talk about the program.