Lehman College Recognized as Carnegie Research Institution

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Lehman College has taken a major step its advancement to national recognition as a site of significant research activity. The Carnegie Foundation and American Council on Education named the College to a new category in its 2025 classification  of research institutions: Research Colleges and Universities (RCU).

"The growth in Lehman's public stature as a center of innovation in fields like healthcare, education, physics, biological sciences, and materials science—reflected in this RCU designation—positions us to become a driver of transformative change with global impact," said Lehman's president, Fernando Delgado.

The research designations—R1, R2, and RCU—are based on how much institutions spend on research and development per year and how many doctoral degrees they award. 

Under the 2025 criteria, R1 institutions must spend at least $50 million and award at least 70 research doctorates annually; R2 institutions must spend at least $5 million on research and award at least 20 doctoral degrees. 

The RCU category, which includes institutions with at least $2.5 million in research and development funding per year, increases visibility for smaller institutions with significant, growing research activity. The previous two-tiered system excluded colleges without doctoral programs, or those with research funding under the $5 million threshold. 

“Lehman College’s new Carnegie Classification as a Research Institution is a testament to the dedication and impact of our faculty’s research," said Jorge Silva-Puras, Provost and Vice President for Academic Success.  "This recognition marks an important milestone in our long-term vision to achieve R2 status, strengthening our commitment to scholarly excellence, external funding, and impactful research that serves our students and community." 

With Lehman's two recently-established doctoral programs and a nearly $2 million increase in research funding over the past two years, the goal of R2 status is in sight. What is more, these designations open doors for faculty to include more students in hands-on learning experiences, with is key to Lehman's educational mission.

"These prestigious Carnegie designations make us eligible to apply for broader funding opportunities to continue supporting cutting-edge research taking place on the campus," said J. Brandon Begarly, Assistant Vice President for Research Administration and Strategy. "A robust research environment not only benefits our faculty, but draws students to the College and provides them with more avenues to engage in rigorous research experiences during their time at Lehman."

Ten CUNY schools received 2025 Carnegie research designations. Seven, including Lehman, achieved RCU status; Hunter College joined City College as an R2 institution, and the Graduate Center retained its R1 classification.

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