OFFICE OF STUDENT DISABILITY SERVICES Shuster Hall, Room 238 Semester: Spring 2015 Dear Professor: There is a student in your class, registered with the Office of Student Disability Services who is seeking a peer note-taker. Information regarding the student and his/her disability is confidential please do not identify the student to the class. We are seeking your assistance by sharing this request with your class or by recommending a student who you think might be interested in sharing his/her notes. We will provide carbon paper to the peer note-taker which they simply slip under their own notes. In accordance with a new policy established in the Fall 2014 semester, a voucher of $100 for use at the Lehman College Bookstore will be provided to the peer note- taker at the end of the semester. In addition, the peer note-taker can list this experience on their resume, and will be given a certificate, and a letter of reference from the Director of Student Disability Services. At the end of the year, the peer note-taker will be invited to a recognition luncheon. Lastly, the peer note-taker will have the satisfaction that they have actively provided service to the Lehman College community. In the past we have worked primarily with students of sophomore status and above with a minimum of 2.75 GPA. The note-taker must have a legible handwriting. If anyone in your class is interested in becoming a peer note-taker please ask them to come to Shuster Hall, Room 238, or call (718) 960-8441. Thank you. Best Regards, Stephanie Arriola Student Disability Services Specialist Office of Student Disability Services Lehman College - CUNY Shuster Hall Room 238 (718) 960-8441 OFFICE OF STUDENT DISABILITY SERVICES Shuster Hall, Room 238 NOTETAKER APPLICATION FORM SEMESTER: ___________________ DATE: ______________________ NAME: _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ TEL. NO: (HOME #) __________________ (CELL #) ________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY: ______________________________________________________ MAJOR: _________________________ MINOR: __________________________ G.P.A: ___________________________ HAVE YOU WORKED ANYWHERE ON CAMPUS WITHIN THE LAST 3 YEARS FOR WHICH YOU RECEIVED PAYMENT? Yes_______ No_______ I AM APPLYING FOR ONE OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: (Please check one) NOTE-TAKER _______ PEER NOTE-TAKER ________ SIGNATURE Shuster Hall, Room 238, 250 Bedford Park Blvd. West, Bronx, NY 10468 Phone: (718) 960-8441 Fax: (718) 960-7489 E-mail: Letter Of Understanding I ______________________________________________________________________, have read the attached documents and understand the role and responsibilities of a Peer Note-taker. I understand that at the end of the semester and upon completion of the assignment I will receive a $100 voucher to be used at the Lehman Bookstore. Assignment(s): Student: ____________________________________________________________ Class: _______________________________________________________________ Day & Time: _______________________________________________________ Student: ____________________________________________________________ Class: _______________________________________________________________ Day & Time: ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________ Signature of Peer Note-taker Date POLICY FOR PEER NOTE-TAKERS All ASSIGNMENT-RELATED INFORMATION IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 1. You are providing a community service by volunteering to take notes for fellow classmate. We thank you for performing a valuable service to the Lehman College community. a. A Peer Note-taker can list this experience on their resume. b. At the end of the year, Peer Note-takers will be invited to a recognition luncheon where they will be rewarded with a certificate for the services they have provided. 2. Documents needed to apply as a Peer Note-taker. a. Note-taker Application Form b. ID Card: Lehman or State 3. A voucher of $100 (for services provided throughout the entire semester) for use at the Lehman College Bookstore will be provided at the end of the semester. 4. Note-takers have a choice of using their own notebooks or computer to take notes or they can utilize Carbon note-taking paper that we provide. a. If using your own notebook, you will be required to come into the office and make Xerox copies for your fellow student and hand them the copy on time. b. If using Carbon note-taking paper, Please give the Top Copy of the notes to the student immediately after class. If for some reason this does not occur, go to the Office of Student Disability Services, Shuster Hall, Room 238, as soon as possible and give the top copy (the student’s copy) to a staff member. 5. Please notify the Office of Student Disability Services of the need for a substitute, or any other changes in schedule, at least one week in advance, except in emergency situations. It is very important that Note-takers either call the office at (718) 960-8441 or come to Shuster Hall, Room 238 to notify us of any changes so that we can continue to provide note- taking services for the student. 6. Please attend every class and arrive on time. 7. You and your fellow student are responsible for your own individual work. NOTE-TAKING TECHNIQUES AND GUIDELINES 1. On the first day of an assignment, introduce yourself to the professor and the student in the class. Find a seat near the student so that they may see what is being written as the instructor is lecturing. 2. Use black ink to take notes. 3. The top of the first page of each set of notes should include the following: class title, the instructor’s name, the note-taker’s name, the student’s name, and the date. Do not put page numbers on the notes until the end of the class. At that time, count the total number of pages. If for example, there are 3 pages, they should be numbered in the following manner: Page 1 of 3, Page 2 of 3, Page 3 of 3. In this way, students will know if a page has been lost. 4. If using Carbon note-taking paper, write on one side of the page only. Do not cram words together: Indent and skip lines between ideas. Use as much paper as you need. Make it easy for the eye to find information. 5. Emphasize important information by underlining in another color, using a LARGER PRINT or placing an asterisk or two (**) near important ideas. Try to be consistent in your choice of an emphasizing “tool”. The student must be able to recognize its importance. Explain to the student whatever system you are using to highlight information so the student will be able to decipher your notes. 6. In the notes, Note-takers should indicate who is making a particular remark. Use “I” for instructor and “S” for student. This is especially helpful if there is frequent dialogue between the instructor and students. Be sure to indicate anything that the instructor has strongly agreed with in a student’s comment. In a small class, if you know the name of the student speaking, include it. If the class is strictly a lecture class, then it is not necessary. 7. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at (718) 960-8441 or come by the office in Shuster Hall, Room 238. We are here to support you in your volunteer efforts. GOOD LUCK!