Courses matching your search criteria

Articulatory Phonetcs (LNG 245)

Code: OA01 - 47137
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: A COGBURN
Code: OA02 - 47136
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: A COGBURN
Code: XM81 - 47135
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Speech/Theatre Building 203 SP-203
Instructor: M GITTERMAN
Code: XM81 - 47135
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Speech/Theatre Building 203 SP-203
Instructor: N REYES

Introduction To Linguistics (LNG 246)

Code: OS81 - 47134
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: S DE MARCHI
Code: Q301 - 47133
Days: T
Time: 2:00PM - 4:40PM -
Location: Speech/Theatre Building 202 SP-202
Instructor: K MCCLURE
Code: XW81 - 47132
Days: W
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Speech/Theatre Building 203 SP-203
Instructor: K MCCLURE

Anat&phys Spe Mechs (LNG 247)

Code: OA01 - 47125
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: M BOYLAN
Code: OS81 - 47124
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: R LISSEMORE
Code: XM81 - 47123
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Speech/Theatre Building 204 SP-204
Instructor: K KUSHLA

Bilingualism (LNG 312)

Code: CAN1 - 47120
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Code: OA01 - 47121
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS

Struct Modern Englsh (LNG 318)

Code: OA01 - 47119
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: I PORRU

Introduction To Syntax (LNG 321)

Code: N301 - 47118
Days: Th
Time: 9:00AM - 11:40AM -
Location: Carman Hall 227 CA-227
Instructor: I ABUELROB

Introduction To Phonology (LNG 323)

Code: 01 - 47117
Days: M
Time: 12:00PM - 2:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 227 CA-227
Instructor: A MALANOSKI

Language Acquisition (LNG 330)

Code: HS81 - 47114
Days: Th
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Speech/Theatre Building 203 SP-203
Instructor: N REYES
Code: OA01 - 47116
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Code: OS81 - 47115
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: C SMITH GABIG

The Psychology Of Literacy Dev (LNG 342)

Code: OS81 - 47113
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: X MA